Skin Cancer Removal Treatment in Hillcrest

Our dermatology specialists understand that skin cancer can affect not only physically, but psychologically as well. We are here to provide treatment, encouragement, strength, support, and answers to all your questions should you ever receive such a diagnosis. We’ll be by your side each step of the way, from diagnosis to prognosis to treatment and aftercare support. Most importantly, know that skin cancer is very treatable. Even melanoma, the most aggressive form of skin cancer, has a 90% five year survivability rate for patients who receive treatment.

When it comes to skin cancer, treatment protocols typically involve one or a combination of the following treatments: Cryotherapy, Electrodessication and Curettage (ED&C),  Excisional Surgery, and Mohs micrographic surgery.

West Dermatology Hillcrest
4060 Fourth Ave #415, San Diego, CA 92103
(619) 754-8610

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