Botox Treatment in Hillcrest San Diego

Botox is an extremely popular wrinkle treatment that's ideal for dynamic wrinkles. Derived from botulinum toxin, Botox is injected through a very fine needle into a muscle underlying a bothersome wrinkle. This process blocks the nerve impulses that move the muscle, causing it to relax. The result is a smoother wrinkle and a softer-looking appearance. Since only the targeted muscle is affected, surrounding muscles continue to move freely, allowing your facial expressions to be easily shown and avoiding the dreaded "frozen face" look when performed by an experienced dermatologist. Botox is ideal for the upper half of the face, including the areas around the eyes, the upper nose, forehead, cheeks, and jaw.

We recognize that facial creases, lines, and wrinkles can impact your appearance and self-esteem, which is why our experienced skin experts provide one of the safest, most popular wrinkle treatments in the world: Botox.

West Dermatology Hillcrest
4060 Fourth Ave #415, San Diego, CA 92103
(619) 754-8610

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