Melasma Treatment in Hillcrest San Diego

Melasma is the development of gray or brown patches on the skin, usually on areas that are regularly exposed to the sun. Although this includes your arms and neck, it is more common on the face, especially the cheeks, chin, forehead, bridge of the nose, and under the eyes. Melasma usually develops symmetrically, meaning that the blotches of discoloration are even on either side of the face. As the condition commonly develops during pregnancy, it’s often referred to as the “mask of pregnancy”.  When it comes to melasma treatment, there are a variety of effective methods utilized by our expert dermatologists.

Some of these treatments include topical creams or ointments, dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, and oral tranexamic acid. We know that patches of skin discoloration, especially a condition called melasma, can be troublesome to both your appearance and self-esteem. As your knowledgeable community skin specialists, we’re here to help you manage this condition.

West Dermatology Hillcrest
4060 Fourth Ave #415, San Diego, CA 92103
(619) 754-8610

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